How efficiency increases in world of tanks. How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler, increasing the efficiency of a gas boiler

Lately, more and more people have been asking questions, “why can’t I play like him”, “how to increase the win percentage and efficiency”, “why World of Tanks players from top clans have a personal rating and efficiency several times higher than mine and how to fix it”?.. In this note you will find answers to all these questions.

Let's figure out what efficiency and personal rating are in WoT.

Efficiency, or Coefficient of Performance, has nothing to do with physics. In the game, this is the ratio of your team's usefulness to accepted standards. Let's say, if you went to an enemy base, but were destroyed, the efficiency drops. Experienced players use “extra tactics” - they don’t get into trouble, hide behind bushes, houses and shoot back as much as possible.

How to determine the efficiency of tanks in World of Tanks? Efficiency consists of a number of factors - average damage, number of frags, detected enemies, base capture points, base defense points, number of battles, etc. The more successfully you fight, the higher the rating. For exemplary tankers, efficiency is close to 100%.

A camouflage net and a stereo tube - popularly known as "horns" - help in combat. A tank destroyer is suitable for this tactic. If you prefer light tanks, then scout out the location of enemy vehicles and transmit their location to your allies. Personal rating mostly depends on your usefulness to the team and your winning percentage. All this information can be viewed in statistics.

Experienced World of Tanks players use “statist tactics” to increase efficiency - they don’t push forward and use obstacles

If you have a high efficiency and win percentage, then your personal rating grows very quickly. To quickly increase your personal rating, take artillery and tanks with high damage (vehicles Ob. 268, T110E3 or T1104, T49, E-100, etc.), or tanks that fire in bursts (T57 Heavy, WT auf E100, T54E1, etc. .). It is these combat vehicles that are the best for increasing ratings and efficiency.

For any type of equipment (heavy tank, medium tank, light tank, tank destroyer, artillery destroyer) there is its own approach, technique and tactics of the game. Moreover, for single-class cars it is different. Even if the breakthrough vehicle and the defense vehicle are heavy tanks, due to the characteristics of each, for example, speed, damage or armor, they are effective in different playing techniques. In order to play better on the machine you like, compare its characteristics with others and at the same time choose the right tactics. Sometimes you will have to change tactics on the fly - this will come with experience.

Follow these simple tips and you will achieve great results very quickly.

What to do to increase personal efficiency in World of Tanks. It is not very easy to achieve good statistics in the game, but the task is quite feasible.

It must be said right away that increasing (raising) efficiency will take time and this is the most valuable thing that will have to be sacrificed in the pursuit of a beautiful “statue”.

It will be extremely difficult to raise an old account with the number of battles over 20-25 thousand, but it is also possible.

The essence of the method is that you will have to imagine for a while that you are starting everything from scratch. Only from the real creation of a “twink”, you will have to take those tanks for which the statistics are depressing. Including sold tanks, they will also need to be bought back and taken out of the hangar for “pumping”. You can see which tanks you have have the worst statistics by using the notorious “deer measurer” mod.

Having equipped tanks with low efficiency to the maximum with additional equipment, you will need to play from 30 to 300 battles as a typical “extra.” Of course, it depends on the level and degree of drawdown of that same efficiency factor of a single piece of equipment. The effect of pumping up indicators for individual tanks will smoothly flow into an increase in overall efficiency.

How to upgrade?

Quite a simple answer. If you already have quite a bit of experience in the game, then you will have to endure insults from your allies. First of all, we get the allied frags. In the literal sense of the word, we wait and deliver the final blow.

Shot from afar. It would be a good idea to develop the skill of long-range combat, even on heavy and light tanks. It is important to shoot at least 100% of the damage from your XP. Therefore, we are actively learning to fight from the bushes, if we did not know how before.

We work comprehensively on frags and get maximum “damage” per battle. We do not launch frontal attacks and stay away from the main clashes. The allies will be indignant at such a game, but the life of an extra is not complete without it.

Team game

Another method that can be quite effective is team play. Use the game as a platoon, having a couple of experienced players as friends, you can very quickly push the lagging behind to the desired level of efficiency in platoon battles.

World of Tanks is a global game that has won the hearts of millions of players. Only in it will we be able not only to see how tanks of the 1930s-1950s behave, but also to feel their power for ourselves! The game gathered a huge number of players around the world, united them into teams and set the task - to prove to everyone that you are the best tanker in history!


But let's move away from all the big words and move on to real life. WoT is a multiplayer game built on a competitive (e-sports) system. This means that each player will have their own semblance of a rating, which demonstrates their level of professionalism. In this game, this is a complex characteristic, and a dynamic one, so in order to calculate it, special services are used. But we will talk about how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks. To do this, we will first need to disassemble it into its components.

Composition of the rating

In order to earn a good reputation in the game, you need to know how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks. Accordingly, you need to know what it consists of (what characteristics you need to work on). First of all, the number of battles is taken into account. The more of them, the less sensitive your efficiency percentage is to changes (the more fights, the harder it is for us to change its value in any direction). We don’t focus much attention here, because the number of battles is not the most important factor.

Average experience

If you don’t know how to raise it, then such a characteristic as average experience per battle is one of the most important. The larger it is, the better. Everyone knows how to lower this value, but how many know how to increase it? Efficiency in WoT almost most of all depends on the average experience per battle. To raise the value, you need to pay attention to every detail, but most of all, to fulfilling your role. After all, tanks are very different: some perfectly withstand enemy shots and push through the defense, while others are very weak in attack, but defend well due to their powerful and accurate guns. Understanding your role is one of the keys to increasing your average experience per battle. Try not to “blend in” so as not to spoil this characteristic and not pretend to be a hero (they don’t live here much, as a rule).


Win percentage is the second characteristic in the game that should be taken into account if you are thinking about how to increase efficiency in WoT. The story is the same as with average experience per battle - the more, the better. And here it is worth showing the connection with the number of fights. For example, if you played 20 battles, then the outcome of each of them will seriously affect the changes in this percentage, and if you, say, played 2000 battles, then 1 battle will decide little (but this does not mean that it has become less important! ). Many players are judged by this characteristic alone. There are two options to increase the value: battle on level 2-4 tanks and persistent play. The fact is that it’s easier to play on low-level tanks (and there are also a lot of beginners there), so you have a much greater chance of winning here.

Destructions/Damage (average per battle)

Next, the average number of tanks you destroy per battle is taken into account, as well as the damage you deal. It's good if this value is more than two. Do you want to stuff it? Three options: take artillery (it’s quite easy and safe to do this) and try to finish it off, take a tank destroyer (huge damage will help you) or take those tanks that were recognized as the best in this matter by Lowe, etc.). The goal is simple - either finish off or play a defensive strategy, which means we take tanks that are good at defense. As a rule, these tanks also have the best guns, so there will be no problems with damage either. It is strictly forbidden for you to attack (it risks the rapid destruction of our tank)!

Detected per battle (average per battle)

Suitable only for active light tanks. Take a quick LT a couple of times and shine a lot of light on your team. Are more than 5 tanks exposed? Well done, consider that the value has been raised very well!

Base Capture/Defense (average per battle)

Where would we be without capture and base defense points in the question of how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks? It’s worth noting right away: it won’t be possible to increase both values ​​at once. Either take a heavy tank and aim to capture the enemy base, or play as a tank or artillery to defend yours.

Average tank level

This value only has an effect on the final efficiency percentage (smoothes out all previous values ​​depending on the tank levels), so it is not particularly worth considering. So and so it will be close to 10 with a long game.


To increase efficiency, the most important values ​​are the percentage of victories, tanks destroyed and damage inflicted. Basically they will play a key role. If you want to increase them (as well as your efficiency) - play your role. Two simple options: take low-level tanks and increase the victory percentage (irrelevant if you have a lot of level 10 tanks, because otherwise the damage value will drop significantly) or constantly take Art-SPG (artillery) or Tank Destroyer to deal huge the amount of damage and destruction of enemy tanks. We hope that the article answered the question of how to increase efficiency in World of Tanks.

How to increase your win rate and efficiency in World of Tanks? The topic is very important and relevant for many players who would like to know how to do this. Now we'll talk about the basics. What do you need to definitely start increasing your win percentage and efficiency?

The most important thing is that you will need this desire to win, the desire to develop, think in battle and benefit your allies. You will also need good initial statistics, which will mean that you generally know the basics of the game and play well. Look at your statistics, if you have less than 48% wins and less than 900 efficiency, then it’s too early for you to think about your win percentage. You need to read guides, learn some tricks and tactics for playing on different maps and different types of equipment. If you have good statistics and are generally overwhelmed with the desire to develop and increase your win percentage and efficiency. What is needed? As a solo player you will never be able to have a high win rate. Of course there are exceptions, but these are very rare cases. So to achieve the goal you will need a platoon. At the same time, the platoon should be made up of people who want to increase the win rate with you. Friends who are obsessed with this idea. Even with not very good statistics, having 2-3 such people in a platoon, you will definitely achieve a high win rate! Of course, not right away, but over time you will learn to play together, win and achieve everything!

You'll probably ask: "What, now you can't play solo at all?" No, of course, you can still do this, although you must conduct most of the battles in a platoon. When playing solo, remember that your win percentage for a session or six battles should not fall below the critical point (your overall win percentage). If the total percentage is 50, and the session turns out to be 30, you understand that there is no point in playing further. You need to either stop or change equipment, look for a platoon. You can't keep merging any further. But what if you don’t have friends who play well and don’t even have an idea where to get them? Now we will talk about this in detail. You need to find such people by creating a company. If you write the header correctly, you will be able to select the right people. We advise you to choose a junior or intermediate company, depending on whether you are a beginner or not. If you just started playing, you know the basics, but you still don’t fully know how to play at all levels - choose from these two leagues. Then, over time, it will be possible to switch to champion or absolute. And so, we make a header, write the platoon and the level of tanks, while we need the same level for all players without light tanks, which are usually thrown high. We indicate the percentage of victories on the tank or the overall one that you are looking for. For example, if you have 50% overall, you need to hire people with 50%+ with approximately the same efficiency as you. You can write damage on the tank; you can view this characteristic using the Deer Measuring mod (if you don’t use xvm, we recommend installing it). You can't demand much more from players than you have. Look for players similar to you with a desire to work hard, win, play as a team, and improve efficiency.

Which World of Tank tanks are best to choose for playing in a platoon?

Many players level up one specific branch of technology, level it up to level 10 and immediately start leveling up another branch. Thus, it is unlikely to have a high win rate. Constantly playing on stock vehicles, you are unlikely to find a good platoon leader playing on the same stock vehicles. Your efficiency drops seriously and so does your win rate. You, of course, can upgrade new equipment, but if you are still serious about increasing your statistics, you need to choose a certain level, a tank, and constantly play on it. You will study the tank thoroughly, understand all its good and bad sides, upgrade the crew, install all the equipment. This way, once you fully understand one machine, you can start bending. The tank should be good in its time.

Which tank should you choose for such a game?

A long time ago, a certain opinion was formed about each tank; many tanks are considered bending tanks, others not so much. Remember, every opinion is subjective. Think your way. The same tank in different hands can kill everything that moves, or die in the first minute of the battle without breaking through a single target. From the sixth levels we recommend taking HellCat, KVAS. At level 7 you can choose from T29, IS2. Of 10 levels E-4, object 268. In general, choose the tank that you like, the one that you can play best on. Platoon comrades should also play on good technology with all modules and equipment, in no case stock! The crew must be top-notch. This way you will get the maximum effect from the platoon, ending up with stock players who are simply pumping up the next branch. To play in a platoon, you should choose tanks that are similar in style of play - all medium, tank destroyers or heavy. It will be easy to interact with each other in battle. It is also worth noting that tanks of levels 7,8,9 very often end up at the bottom of the list. This is very sad. Choose tanks of the 6th level or 10th. Premium vehicles of tier 8 and below (Valentine, T-27, etc.) are also suitable. Moreover, if you do not have a premium account and premium equipment, you should pay attention to level 5.6 tanks because of their good farming abilities, you will not leave minus silver. It is also worth noting the servers on which, according to many players, the winning percentage is higher - we recommend you servers 5, 6 and 7 for playing in a platoon.

So how can you play to win more often in a platoon?

First of all, play extremely carefully. Don’t think that since you are in a platoon you need to press and attack all the time. At the beginning of the battle, take a defensive position and wait for the enemy to act. You've probably noticed that the extras play extremely carefully, they are in no hurry and often sit on the defensive. And this is not just like that. The cost of a mistake can be too high. You go somewhere, and they will simply dismantle you for scrap metal. Therefore, think 500 times before going anywhere. If you are confident in your abilities, you know what and how to do, the flag is in your hands. Well, if not, better wait. Nobody is pushing you forward, coordinate your actions with the platoon, come to an agreement. The ideal option is when everyone in the platoon has a microphone. It's much easier, faster and more convenient. Many players rely heavily on luck and say “oh, I’m lucky, I got some extras and now we’ll drag them in” or, on the contrary, “why is it so unlucky, why is the winning percentage so low.” In World of Tanks you shouldn’t count on luck, everything depends on you and the great Belarusian random! Try to drag yourself and in a platoon. Three people from the top seriously influence the outcome of the battle. Even if you are at the bottom, do everything to win and then you will win. The main thing is not to be discouraged, be determined for a good result! Analyze every loss, your strategy, technique, survival.

How to increase efficiency in World of Tanks?

You just need to play well, deal a lot of damage in battle, kill tanks. Efficiency is also affected by capturing a base, shooting down a capture, exposing the enemy, and much more. Benefit the team and you will have high efficiency. The biggest impact on efficiency is caused by damage and frags. Take the vehicle that gives you good damage and destroys a lot of tanks in a battle. On blind tanks the efficiency is lower, because you basically don’t shine on anyone and shoot at someone else’s light. The best tank for increasing efficiency is a drum tank. To play on such a tank you need a high skill.

If you take into account all of the above, find a platoon, take your favorite tank and upgrade it completely, study the strategy of playing it on different maps - you will easily increase your efficiency and win percentage in World of Tanks! The main thing is not to give up, improve your level of play, work in a team, improve the game interface for yourself (install useful mods).

Gas boiler efficiency, how to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler

  1. What causes boiler efficiency to drop?
  2. How to increase the efficiency of gas equipment
The technical passport of each gas boiler contains the efficiency coefficient of this equipment. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates in the passport the maximum possible indicator that can be achieved under certain conditions; in practice, it turns out that this value is much lower. How to increase the efficiency of a gas boiler and adjust it to the stated 93-95%?

What causes a decrease in the efficiency of a heating boiler?

The efficiency factor or efficiency is calculated using the following formula:

q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 = 100%

Each value has its own value that helps to calculate the efficiency of a gas boiler:

  • q1 - thermal energy that is transferred to the coolant circulating in the heating system.
  • q2 - heat loss during removal of combustion products.
  • q3 - chemical underburning of fuel.
  • q4 - mechanical underburning of fuel.
  • q5 - heat loss associated with heat dissipation into the environment.

Gas equipment is most influenced by indicators q2 and q3. How does this help increase the efficiency of a gas boiler in practice?

Firstly, the formula helps you see why equipment performance drops sharply. For example, the coefficient designated as q2. A large amount of excess air increases the rate of exhaust gases being removed to the street and, as a result, reduces heat transfer. In fact, in this way, money is simply thrown away. The coefficient designated as q3, on the contrary, is associated with a lack of oxygen in the combustion chamber. As a result, a chemical underburning is formed, which reduces efficiency by a record 5-7%. How can understanding this help increase the efficiency of a gas boiler?

How to increase the useful effect of gas equipment?

tuning the boiler to increase efficiency The technical data sheet indicates the maximum efficiency that will be achievable if certain conditions are met. It’s quite possible to create them yourself. To increase the efficiency of a gas boiler you will need to do the following:
  1. Monitor the condition of the water circuit and heating system pipes. The flame tubes must not be allowed to become overgrown with soot or the circuit to become overgrown with scale. One of the common mistakes that is often made is draining the coolant from the system at certain intervals (even once a year, this is often). An increase in the efficiency of a gas boiler will ensure regular maintenance of the boiler.
  2. Limit draft in the chimney in winter. During the heating season, the circulation of combustion products in the system naturally increases several times. But such acceleration significantly increases heat loss. To correct the situation, you can install a draft limiter on the chimney. Its device is quite simple, but it provides a significant increase in the efficiency of a gas boiler. Cost approximately 2-3 thousand rubles.
  3. Eliminate chemical underburning. This requires a sufficient air flow inside the combustion chamber; for gas the ratio is 1 to 1.15. In this case, there are two ways to optimize the operation of the equipment. The first is to install a draft limiter, the second is to fine-tune the gas equipment during its installation. There is a special device, a gas analyzer, with which you can accurately adjust the equipment and accordingly improve the operation of the gas boiler. You will most likely have to pay extra for such a setup, but otherwise you will have to spend money every month to pay for excess fuel consumption.

You can also increase the efficiency of a gas boiler using a turbulator. These plates significantly accelerate the heat exchange between the combustion chamber and the coolant, thus increasing the efficiency by several units.

In order for gas equipment to have the efficiency specified in the passport, it is necessary to create conditions for normal operation. It may also be necessary to optimize the combustion process by adjusting air circulation and draft by installing additional equipment and fine tuning. All costs associated with this will be fully recouped in the next heating season.

Calculation of power and temperature of a warm water floor