How to raise the canopy higher. Do-it-yourself canopy: how to quickly build a beautiful and reliable canopy from scrap materials

A dacha is a country house designed for a pleasant time in nature. I want to spend it usefully and comfortably, so everyone tries to improve their area. In the article we will share practical, original examples of what kind of awnings there are for a dacha, how to arrange a recreation area and a utility block.

Let’s look at the question of what is more profitable: to buy ready-made or to build your own awnings for your dacha; the photos will illustrate creative, inexpensive and ergonomic ideas. We'll tell you which materials are better and easier to build from.

Overview of canopies for summer cottages

For auto

For the porch

For the gazebo

For firewood

Sheds for a dacha are not just needed, but urgently needed; they provide shelter from rain, sun and wind, and you can spend time comfortably in closed structures even in the cold season.

The easiest and most cost-effective way to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands: frame and fabric roof

The functionality of the buildings is varied:

  • car parking;
  • entry group;
  • roof over barbecue;
  • gazebos, pavilions;
  • greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses;
  • pool covers;
  • showers;
  • structures for firewood and tool storage;
  • extensions to a house, garage or bathhouse like a veranda or terrace;
  • covered “living” recreation areas, lined with climbing plants and grapes on the sides - pergolas, rotundas, galleries.
  • children's playgrounds equipped with a light roof;
  • canopy over the well and many others. etc.

Garden awnings made of polycarbonate on a metal profile frame for barbecues - simple, durable, reliable, safe

All garden sheds can be divided into three large groups:

  • Open - buildings on vertical supports under a light roof; the perimeter is often surrounded by greenery: bushes, grapes, climbing roses.

A simple garden canopy made from scrap materials and plants

  • Semi-closed - the most common type of canopy, a frame structure topped with a roof, with a parapet on the sides, and the openings are closed from bad weather and the sun with thick moisture-resistant curtains, decorative grilles, and soft glazing.

A covered gallery is a universal solution for small areas in front of the house; it can serve as a carport in the country or a place to relax

  • Indoor – comfortable, practical. These are stationary awnings for summer cottages, the openings of which are glazed or sheathed with sheet material, for example, polycarbonate.

A semi-closed canopy at the dacha, attached to the main house like a veranda

Design features

Mobile canopy for a shower in the country


Let’s start the review with the simplest canopies for the dacha; the designs fully correspond to the dragonfly’s motto: ... “under every bush it had both a table and a house ready.” These are light, summer, mobile products that can be bought in the store:

  • swing with canopy;
  • mini-gazebos - monoblock with a roof, table, benches;
  • awnings;

Awning – convenient for organizing recreation areas

  • umbrellas, often complete with a folding table;
  • prefabricated tents, on an aluminum or metal-plastic frame, with a tent roof and fabric curtains on the sides; for convenience, some models are equipped with soft windows and a mosquito net.

The tent reliably protects the place of rest from precipitation and sun, can be used as carports in the country, it is important to choose the right size

Temporary structures are convenient because they are easy to unfold, carry, and put away, but not everyone wants to spend time and effort on assembling and installing prefabricated products.

A universal, collapsible canopy for a summer residence, the design can serve as a gazebo, greenhouse, parking lot and cover for a pool

Stationary awnings for summer cottages

More practical owners prefer to install permanent sheds at their dacha; they can be ordered according to an individual project, bought a standard design, or built with your own hands. Such structures include: terraces, verandas, canopies over the entrance, carports, gazebos, greenhouses, summer houses and other outbuildings.

Good to know: To erect stationary buildings, you need to equip a site or make a foundation; they practically cannot be moved to another place, but they are more comfortable and ergonomic compared to mobile structures.

A simple idea on how to make a wooden carport at your dacha with your own hands

What to build a canopy from at the dacha

Before you build country sheds with your own hands, you need to complete a construction project, select a site, and decide on dimensions and materials.

Shower in the country on a metal frame, covered with corrugated sheets, the material can be replaced with an awning

The canopy must fit harmoniously into the overall architectural ensemble, not clutter up the site, resonate with the landscape design, and be convenient, reliable and practical.

Canopy at the dacha made of timber and decorative lattice

The most popular materials for self-construction are metal and wood. It’s difficult to say which is cheaper and easier to work with; let’s weigh the pros and cons of each material.

A simple canopy for a well in the country


A wooden building is appropriate for any summer cottage; it does not stand out from the concept of natural composition. A wooden canopy at the dacha for relaxation can be built from timber, rounded logs, boards, or tree trunks. This does not require professional skills; you can work with household tools. Depending on the chosen style, the canopy for the dacha is decorated with natural materials - driftwood, stumps, decorative grilles, carvings, figured posts, balusters.

An example of how to make an original shed for firewood at your dacha with your own hands

And even if you brought the material completely free from the forest, the tree does not tolerate dampness well, is susceptible to fungi, rodents, small insects, and rotting, so it must be treated with special protective compounds, and this entails additional financial costs.

How to make a canopy at your dacha with your own hands, photo of a structure made from tree trunks and unedged boards decorated with driftwood


To build a metal canopy at your dacha with your own hands, you will need welding equipment and skills to work on it. The frame is made of round or profile pipes of different diameters. In order to protect the structure from rust, it should be thoroughly cleaned, primed and painted. You can decorate a metal canopy for a summer residence with stamped forging and openwork grilles, but more often the structure is sewn up with polycarbonate - this is practical, looks easy and does not require a large investment of money.

The simplest buildings to erect with your own hands are single-pitched carports for cars in the countryside made of polycarbonate

Other options

Creative and creative site owners often use available materials: bottles, glass or plastic, rubble stone, rods for wicker structures, straw for awnings at the dacha in ethnic style, PVC pipes, awnings, etc.

The simplest canopy for a summer house made of PVC pipes and shower curtains

Combined buildings look very nice, for example, metal pillars under a polycarbonate roof, lined with decorative stone, this is how you usually build a barbecue shed at your dacha with your own hands. Wood, stone, brick and sculptural concrete combine well; the buildings look very original and add originality to the landscape design.

Photo example of how to make a canopy at your dacha for relaxation

How to build a canopy at your dacha with your own hands

Building a canopy at your dacha with your own hands is quite simple; you need to make a frame and figure out what to cover it with. But in order for the building to last for more than one season, it is necessary to complete a number of important stages during construction.


For large and medium-sized buildings, it is recommended to lay a strip or column foundation. The inside of the area can be paved with paving slabs, stones, a wooden floor, decking, concrete, sprinkled with crushed stone or pebbles. If the site is uneven and located in a swampy area, then a pile foundation should be constructed; for areas with rocky rocks or quicksand soil, it is better to make a slab. To arrange small sheds, you can simply remove the soft layer of soil and place concrete blocks or flat stones under the base.

Canopy to the house, support-beam structure on a columnar base

Good to know: When constructing metal structures, it is better to concrete the vertical posts into the ground according to the principle of a columnar foundation. Wooden frame supports should be mounted on a columnar foundation using special fasteners.


The roof can have a wooden rafter system or a metal truss. The easiest way is to build a lean-to canopy with a slope of 12-30 degrees with your own hands. Metal structures are often installed under an arched roof; this is especially true when building a carport in the country, photo below.

Photo of a carport at the dacha; this design will protect vehicles and provide comfortable entry into the house during rainfall

Roofing material can be any:

  • awning, moisture-resistant fabric, polyethylene - suitable for temporary structures, should be removed for the winter;

Children's playground with fabric roof

  • polycarbonate - easy, fast, reliable, relevant for all types of buildings, transmits light, which is indispensable in shaded areas and for structures adjacent to the house;

The polycarbonate roof lets in enough light while still protecting from the sun

  • profiled sheet - simple, profitable, convenient for outbuildings;
  • roofing felt and soft tiles are inexpensive, easy to install with your own hands, but require continuous sheathing, which is not always convenient for sheds;
  • slate is budget-friendly, time-tested, but heavy and inferior in aesthetics to other materials.


Open canopies can be inexpensively and easily made closed by making curtains from awning, moisture-resistant fabric or polyethylene.

Even light curtains will significantly increase the comfort of your stay.

It is better to glue the edges for strength, and use special hooks to secure them to the frame.

This clothespin is suitable for fixing curtains to a metal frame along the lower belt of the truss

For wooden canopies in the country, in order to decorate them with curtains, you can screw holders along the top trim, as shown in the picture below.

Bracket for installing curtains on a wooden frame

A canopy for a summer residence can be ready-made or made by hand, simple or elaborate, but so that it fits harmoniously into the natural landscape and does not stand out from the overall ensemble, decorate it around the perimeter with fresh flowers and plants.

Convenient sliding roof on guides and rollers

Sooner or later, any homeowner needs to build a wooden canopy for their home. Many people are afraid to start building a wooden canopy for their house with their own hands, thinking that this process is complicated and time-consuming. But there is nothing complicated in the arrangement of this structure.

Design and decoration of a wooden canopy for the house

Let's look at several ways to attach a canopy to a building. Having understood the essence of the design, you can modify and build it yourself.

Wood is an environmentally friendly, affordable material, reliable and safe for humans, which is the main factor why this material has been in demand for many years; it is distinguished by its warmth, naturalness, and color. These factors allow this material to bring in uniqueness and beauty.

Of course, wood does not have high strength coefficients, unlike stone and iron structures.

Wooden structures are subject to rot and attacks from insects and mice. But this can be avoided if done correctly and with fixing solutions. The varnish also has its own profound effect, and the varnished wood itself looks gorgeous.

Wooden canopy design option

When it comes to wooden sheds, some people think that they are simple, nondescript structures. But everything will depend on the imagination and desire of the average person to correctly draw up a project. You can decorate the designs with filigree carvings, and. At the same time, take into account the image of the garden where the canopy will be located, next to the house or separately.

Important! The entire structure should look proportional and interesting. This is the only way a canopy attached to a wooden house will please you.

What types of canopies are there?

  • They are classified according to design features, and are:
  • single-pitched;
  • inclined;
  • straight;


Canopies can be divided according to location:

  • The material can also be different:
  • stone;
  • brick;
  • combined;

The most popular among ordinary people is a wooden canopy. This is not surprising, since the design is very simple to implement and does not require much effort or significant costs. Such work as making a canopy can be done by almost every homeowner. The first step is the project.

Project development

The design for the structure is mandatory, as it solves the main problems in analyzing the conditions of the structure. Especially if the device is attached to a finished building. Data on the base and wall of the house are extremely important, as are acclimatization conditions (wind load, amount of precipitation in winter, location relative to the cardinal directions in the location selected for the construction).

Scheme with dimensions of the canopy for the house

In addition, it would not be superfluous to take care of the decorative details, types of roofing that are preferable in a particular situation, and select the roof shape and size. The more detailed the project, the easier it is to implement. Competent digital calculations will help you find out the amount of materials and mandatory construction costs. The easiest way.

Installation of supports

The first thing you need to take care of is what the canopy will stand on near the wooden house. Some craftsmen advise placing a canopy on simple wooden logs and making a sheathing and roof on them. This is a possible construction option, but it may happen that after a while there will be heavy rain, and then the canopy may simply move away from the building. And if the ground is loose, then the canopy can become very skewed. Don't forget to take this into account when you design your project.

Scheme for installing canopy supports

For this reason, the canopy should only be installed on, this will guarantee that no bad weather will harm the stability of the canopy. This will be a kind of foundation, and therefore its arrangement needs to be considered step by step.

After this, all that remains is to install decks with a diameter of 30 centimeters, along which the primary piping will go.

Support beam with vertical posts

Action plan:

Support posts can be installed in several ways:

  • fasten the timber directly to the formwork;
  • install the thrust bearing in the formwork, and then attach the timber to it;
  • fixing the thrust bearing directly to the wooden or concrete base.

The mounting option is selected based on the specific weight of the structure. If you plan to build a small canopy, then the first method will be an excellent option. If the specific gravity is large, you need to choose the second or third option.

Installation of rafters

The rafter system requires care and precision. For rafters you need to take 150x50 mm timber. This section is taken for a span of six meters. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specific gravity of the structure and the minimum slope. The step between the rafters should be no more than one meter. One side of the beam needs to be firmly secured to the support beam, the other is laid on the rack. The rafters must be positioned strictly perpendicular.

There are several ways to secure the rafter system:

The rafters should lie at the same level so that there is no distortion in the roof.


  1. You need to make markings on the rafters to cut out the grooves.
  2. Cut small grooves 4 cm deep.
  3. Insert the boards into the grooves of the supporting rafters.
  4. Once the sheathing is installed, you need to secure the entire system with corners.

Once the sheathing is assembled, you can begin attaching the roofing material.

Roof installation

Roofing material can be different, starting from ordinary slate and ending with polycarbonate.

The process of installing a canopy roof on a house

Let's look at how to cover a wooden canopy with the latest material. For installation, you need to prepare self-tapping screws with thermal washers, a trim profile, and connectors.


Interesting! Some owners of houses with a canopy do not cover the roof with roofing material, but simply plant it around the canopy, growing to form a natural and beautiful awning. Video about making a wooden canopy with your own hands.

Canopy over the porch

When starting to build a wooden canopy over the porch, carefully calculate everything and make a drawing. It is necessary not only to decide on the length of the beams, but also to calculate the angle of inclination. This is necessary so that during the construction process there is no large distortion.

There are no standard sizes for this structure; you need to calculate it individually based on the size of the porch. The height of the structure should be comfortable for residents.

The tallest person should stand quietly on the porch without touching the roof. The tilt angle cannot exceed 35 degrees. Advice. If you don’t know how to make calculations, then lay out the material on the ground with which you plan to cover it, the resulting rectangle needs to be measured - this will be the size of the canopy over the porch.

Design and decoration of a wooden canopy over the porch

Tools and materials

To build a canopy over the porch with your own hands, you need the following material:

  • beam 150x150 mm, for the rafter system and supports;
  • a wooden block 7.5x7.5 cm for sheathing and a board 2.5 cm;
  • As soon as the concrete hardens, you need to cut the beam to the desired height and attach a second beam for support.

Advice. You need to try to make the roof so that the snow does not cake on it; to do this, for every 1 meter of roof length we make supports 10 centimeters below the support beam attached to the wall.

Roof installation:

  • as soon as the sheathing is ready, it needs to be treated against mold and rot;
  • installation of roofing material begins from the free edge;
  • secure with nails or screws;
  • ready to decorate the canopy.

Immediately after building a house, and sometimes even before, the problem of parking arises. It is not always possible to build a permanent garage, but installing a roof on poles - a canopy - is easier and cheaper. The carport can be a free-standing structure. Then it is placed in the yard, usually not far from the entrance gate or garage. The second option is attached to the house, when one or more sides of the roof rest on the wall of the building. From a functional point of view, both options are equivalent; everyone just chooses based on personal requirements and preferences.


Since the dimensions of cars can vary significantly, in each case the optimal dimensions are determined depending on the car available.

The height is usually around 2.5 meters. This is more than enough even for an SUV with a loaded trunk. And to determine the length and width of the canopy, at least a meter is added to the external dimensions of the machine. Agree, it is quite enough if there is a distance of half a meter to the pillars.

But to protect against precipitation, it is better to make the roof overhangs longer: they will also protect from slanting rain and snow.

When determining the size of a canopy for two cars, take the distance between the rear-view mirrors to be 50 cm. The same amount is calculated for the pillars. And the length of the canopy is determined by the longest car.

Frame materials

Mostly, wood is used for supports - timber or logs, metal pipes of round or rectangular cross-section. Sometimes the supporting columns are made of brick or stone. They are more massive, attract more attention, and therefore must fit into the style of the building that is located nearby.

There are also options when the bottom of the support column is made of brick, and the top is made of wood or metal. And in this case, everything is determined by the style of the house and the site. You should not make brick supports if there are restrictions on the size of the site: they are quite massive and take up a decent amount of space.

All materials (except brick) are processed before use. Wood is necessarily coated with fire retardants (reducing the flammability of the material). Then it is impregnated with compounds that will protect it from damage by wood-boring insects, as well as from all weather conditions.

Its implementation

Particular attention should be paid to the processing of wood that will be buried in the ground. It can be impregnated with special compounds for wood in contact with the ground (for example, Senezh Ultra and its analogues). The impregnation performed well during testing. The ends of the pillars that will be buried are immersed in a container with mining for a couple of days. After drying, they can be used without additional measures. 10 years is enough.

The second option is to pour a concrete pillar into the ground, and install a mounting plate, shoe or pin into it, to which a wooden beam is then attached.

Metal poles are cleaned of rust and coated with primer. After welding, the seams are additionally processed and everything is coated with paint in two layers. The second is applied after the first layer of paint has dried to a touch-touch state.

Types of roofing (with drawings and dimensions)

The most economical and simplest is a pitched roof. It is usually used if the carport is attached to the house: this is the easiest way to organize a normal connection to the wall.

They also make a pitched roof for free-standing sheds. In regions with little snow in winters, you can make a roof without a slope; in those where there is a lot of snow, a slope of at least 8-10° is required. In this case, the lower side is made from the south or east: so that there is more shadow. Also in this case, on the south side you can sew up the canopy on the side (or plant tall plants there).

If a canopy is made from polycarbonate, then the roof is vaulted. It is also optimal from the point of view of precipitation and is easily implemented due to the flexibility of this material.

A more complex gable roof. If made of metal, it has a relatively simple structure.

In the case of a wooden canopy under a gable roof, the system is multi-component.


Roofing material

If the carport is attached to the house, it makes sense to make its roof from the same material. For soft types of roofing (flexible tiles, ondulin, etc.) a continuous sheathing is required, for hard ones - sparse, and the pitch is chosen depending on the wind and snow loads in the region, also focusing on the recommendations of roofing material manufacturers.

If complete shading is not required, polycarbonate can be used. By the way, it is the most popular material recently. You just need to choose it correctly: take a multi-chamber one that has at least three layers of plastic and two rows of cells. It’s not hot under such a polycarbonate canopy even on a sunny day.

Also, the degree of heating depends on the color. See the technical specifications and choose the one that absorbs sunlight more. Transparent ones are needed for greenhouses to warm the plants. For canopies, on the contrary, you need polycarbonate with low light transmittance.

How to lay out the site

The easiest and most inexpensive way to make a platform under a carport is to fill it with gravel. To do this, you will need to remove the turf, dig the curb, pour crushed stone and compact it well using tamping platforms. Then the platform will be rigid and ruts will not form.

Compacted crushed stone is a good surface for car parking

Recently, areas paved with paving slabs or paving stones have become more popular. They have a more attractive appearance, but their construction is more expensive. Preparation begins the same way: first the soil is removed. But the pit is made about 20-25 cm deep. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, which is also compacted well. Then it is advisable to spread a layer on the crushed stone. This is a non-woven material that will prevent the sand that will be poured on top from spilling out and mixing with gravel. Geotextiles also redistribute the load more evenly, preventing the base from sagging under the wheels of a car (it is used in road construction). A layer of sand is already poured onto it, which is also compacted. Paving slabs, clinker bricks, cobblestones and other similar materials are laid in the sand.

In the middle in terms of costs is a concrete site. The base is also prepared from compacted crushed stone. Wooden planks are laid on it at a distance of 1 m, which are set level or with a slight slope to drain water. These strips serve as beacons during pouring, and then play the role of damping joints, compensating for the thermal expansion of concrete. With this structure, cracks appear less frequently.

A metal mesh made of galvanized wire is laid between the slats. You can, of course, use stainless steel, but it is expensive. Wire thickness 3-4 mm, cell 10*10 cm. Pour on top. The thickness of the concrete layer is 7-10 cm.

DIY canopy attached to the house (photo report)

It was decided to attach a canopy to the house, under which to hide favorite equipment - a car and a boat. First, using a motor drill, we dug holes 1.5 m deep - below the freezing depth.

We inserted waterproofing sleeves, a frame made of 10 mm rods with welded mortgages, and filled them with concrete.

The installation pitch of the pillars is 2 meters.

When the concrete set, the pillars and top trim were installed. They are sanded and treated with protective impregnation. To prevent the frame from moving, we secured it with what we had - aluminum corners. The joint between the posts and the frame was reinforced with metal plates.

The pillars are screwed to the “heels”

A support board was nailed to the wall of the house. Roof beams (50-200 cm board) were attached to it. The slope turned out to be small, about 9°, but it was enough. Small cuts were made in the beams to fit the size of the timber - for support, the edges were cut off to create an even overhang.

The beams were fastened to the frame with nails diagonally, 2 pieces on each side.

The beams on the wall are fixed to U-shaped metal plates.

The rafter system was assembled - the beams were installed with a small pitch - 40 cm, they were made from 50 * 200 mm boards.

OSB was attached to the rafters on top. Roofing material - soft tiles. It needs a continuous sheathing underneath.

A board was nailed to the side between the posts: for greater rigidity and so that the rain would wet the site less.

The sidewall was sewn up with a board - so that the rain would get in less

Soft tiles were laid. It worked - at least dance.

Now there's competition in the parking lot.

How to make a canopy for polycarbonate (photo report)

Used materials:

  • professional pipe
    • for racks 80*80 14.6 m;
    • for arches 50*25 - 4 pcs. 6 m each + 50*25 - 10 pcs. 6 m each for spacers;
  • sand concrete - 3 bags of 40 kg.
  • crushed stone - 4 bags of 25 kg.
  • red lead - 3 cans of 1 liter each.

The canopy was built over the already finished path. The posts were buried in the gap between the curb and the fence. It turned out that the canopy supports were placed near the fence posts. It was decided to use them when setting the level: they attached them with anchors so as not to suffer when pouring.

The metal pillars of the racks were buried 1.2 m into the ground, covered with crushed stone, and filled with concrete. When the concrete set, the top trim was welded.

Afterwards the production of trusses began. First, profiles with the required radius were bent on a pipe bender (rise at the highest point 1.2 m). Afterwards, the assembly of the “constructor” began.

Clamps were useful; they were used to hold parts together so that they would not move during work. They fixed it to the first truss so that everything was done accurately. There were a lot of clamps)))

Once all the trusses were complete, they were cleaned, sanded down to white metal, then primed and painted twice. Then the acrobatics began. It is necessary to install heavy trusses on poles, align them vertically, without knocking down the diagonals.

As soon as we managed to set it correctly, we quickly tacked it by welding, leaving the thorough welding of the seams “for later,” after the final inspection: everything should be on the same level.

A miracle happened, everything turned out to be almost on the same level. We do not take into account a small difference of a few millimeters.

Now we weld the sheathing from a 50*25 mm profile pipe under polycarbonate. We place them along the long side of the canopy. The installation step was chosen to be 0.8 m.

All that remains is to attach the polycarbonate. It is attached to self-tapping screws through special thermal washers (sold in the same place as polycarbonate). The two sheets are connected using special profiles. They are detachable and non-detachable. One-piece ones are cheaper, but then you won’t be able to make anything else from this polycarbonate. So we used detachable ones.

It is also necessary to cover the edges of all sheets, otherwise dust and midges will accumulate inside, then moisture will appear due to evaporation, and then mold. And the coating will look deplorable. Therefore, we install special plugs on the edges.

Video on the topic

If initially in the project you did not provide for a veranda or terrace, a very convenient thing, and in a hot climate simply necessary, then you may well fill this gap by building an additional canopy for the house. With modern construction technology and the availability of materials, you can completely cope with the task with your own hands. Regardless of whether you use metal beams or wooden sheathing for the improvised one.

Canopy for the house

At least in constructive terms, everyone canopy for the house very similar to all others, but still, before construction, it is customary to distinguish them according to their future functional purpose; both the arrangement of the foundation and the calculated strength of all supports depend on this. The need to cover a certain area with a roof arises when you plan to make a summer kitchen next to the house, an additional fully glazed gazebo for autumn-spring tea parties. Or maybe you want to protect your car parked outside from rain and snow, or you want to protect the porch and front door area. A canopy may be needed even when the living room on the first floor is located on the sunny side of the house and gets very hot during the day. It is the canopy, like the visor of a hat, that helps solve this problem and improve the microclimate in the room.

Before building, you will need to visualize your project, enter the building into . We are not talking about using special computer programs; such a visualization can simply be drawn with colored pencils, but this technique will allow you to most clearly determine not only the dimensions, but also the material that you will use for construction.

Shed adjacent to the house, can be made of several basic materials: metal, wood or brick (we are talking about brick supports on which the flooring is already installed). If we talked about this topic 15-20 years ago, then almost every craftsman would have advised making a metal welded structure, covering the roof with corrugated sheets or tiles. Today, new favorites are emerging among building materials, which have won a large segment of the market for such buildings. We are talking about transparent polycarbonate, which is many times stronger than glass, capable of withstanding heavy loads of precipitation and wind without deforming or cracking, and at the same time transmitting a lot of sunlight. Now every self-respecting builder should know.

Polycarbonate can be bent, making the roof of the most bizarre shapes, plus, its installation is not difficult due to the light weight of the material, it can be processed with a standard set of tools, cut, sawed, drilled. Compared to traditional roofing coverings, polycarbonate has only one drawback - its cost. But, of course, if you do not spend it on construction, but use it for such a necessary and useful task as building a canopy for many years to come, then it will still be better to fork out for it. Just don’t save on it by buying regular polycarbonate, without a special coating that protects the material from ultraviolet rays. Otherwise, after the first season, cloudy spots may appear on the surface and it will become fragile.

Canopy in front of the house

By design canopy in front of the house It can be either installed on permanent supports or cantilevered. If everything is more or less clear with the supports, they are what is most often meant, but the cantilever varieties are more likely referred to as a process, because the console is attached directly to the house. The maximum size of such a canopy is 2 meters, but is this so small, is it possible to cover the porch and front door with a small canopy?

In fact, cantilever structures allow you to get a fairly large terrace for relaxing around the perimeter of the house, especially at that time of day when the two-meter panel or roof additionally receives maximum shade. In addition, today on the market you can find many offers of sliding cantilever structures, which, if necessary, you can extend even further, and after use, remove them to their original dimensions. Just remember that the two-meter limit is not made because the manufacturer is harmful, but for maximum wind protection of the structure. If the canopy is longer, then there is a risk that in a strong wind it will simply be torn out of place, thereby damaging the wall of the house to which it is mounted.

The canopy is large, long and wide, under which a car can hide and the whole family can have a get-together; of course, it cannot have a console design. There is no need to save money; you need to equip strong, permanent supports on which a full-fledged roof will rest, and the junction of the canopy with the residential building is closed when performing roofing work. Of course, the budget for such a building will be much higher, but taking into account the above, you will be able to make your family happy with a useful room for a long time.

Wooden canopy for the house

The design features of a residential building may require special design solutions from you. And if you have done it for a wooden house, then it’s worth doing it anyway wooden canopy for house, although it will be somewhat more expensive and more troublesome to operate. After all, wood, as a material, has that special charm that still has a significant influence on the minds of dacha owners. And if, all other things being equal, you show them the choice of a metal canopy or a wooden one, then the majority will vote for the second option.

The peculiarity of working with wood is that the room is outdoor, which means that the wood will be subject to serious atmospheric loads. Especially if your site is located in a lowland or swampy area, then you will need to additionally process each support that is to be installed according to the project. The construction of a structure is not much different from the process. You need to start with the project, calculate the future weight of all the supports and the roof in order to decide on the foundation and the number of beams.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the options for such crafts for the garden, which do not provide a continuous roof on top. Such buildings are built near modern town houses and cottages; due to their light weight, they are not at all difficult to construct and do not require such careful preparation and calculations. Upstairs, on the frame beams (mauerlat), simply lay transverse beams, which will provide quite a lot of shadow downwards. This design came to us from the architectural style of the Mediterranean region, where there is not much rainfall, but in the hot summer you want not only protection from the sun, but also air movement. If you want to get more shade, then it’s easy to cover such a roof with grapes or other climbing plants, or stretch fabric panels on top that can be easily hung up and removed.

Shed adjacent to the house

So, we will assume that the project shed adjacent to the house, you are ready, and you can begin construction work. It is necessary to mark the places for the pits of future supports; their diameter is about 20 centimeters and the depth is 50-60 (in any case, up to dense soil, be guided by your natural conditions). Each such pit is filled with up to a bucket of crushed stone, and then supports are inserted. You can also use special fasteners that are mounted inside the pit, and the beams are already attached to this fastener. The ultimate goal is to concrete supports that are level inside the hole, be it wooden beams or metal pipes. Note that the bars must be treated with special means, antiseptic impregnations, and pipes and profiles should be bought either aluminum or galvanized, which are not subject to rust, but when buying ordinary iron ones, it is better to cover their entire surface with a special primer.

Before equipping the site in the perimeter between the supports, it is worth laying electrical wiring and, if necessary, a water supply and sewerage system. After this, the floor is either filled with concrete screed, or paving slabs, decking boards are laid, or sand and crushed stone are simply poured in (for example, if you are just making a parking space for a car). After the concrete screed has dried, you can begin assembling the main structure.

We should start working on the wall of the building, to which one side of our future canopy will be attached. Special brackets are hung on it, onto which a transverse beam is mounted; it is this beam that will take on all the load-bearing loads of the entire structure. After this, you can start lathing.

Canopy in front of the house

Forming the sheathing canopy in front of the house begins with the formation of the top trim, which will become part of the future roof. At the ends of the supports that we previously installed and concreted, transverse beams are laid, which need to be used to connect all the support pillars into a single system. That is, first the perimeter is connected, and then (depending on the size of the canopy and the number of supports), and then the internal beams are laid parallel to each other. For a metal profile, the connection method is welding, and wooden beams need to be tightened together with special corners. Do not forget to check the evenness of the corners and surfaces using a special level. The weld seams on the profile are processed; they need to be thoroughly cleaned and then covered with a layer of protective paint.

Polycarbonate is cut to the dimensions you need - this is the distance between adjacent beams with a small margin for the seam. But in fact, you can use a sheet of exactly the size that is convenient for you to mount, that is, you can even attach it across a row. Cellular polycarbonate has small cells on one side to remove condensate moisture; make sure that all sheets are positioned with the cells facing down. The sheets are connected to each other using a special H-shaped profile, which will allow the seams to be made neat and airtight, but the material must be fastened into the beams with special self-tapping screws with rubberized thermal washers. You should not connect the sheets very tightly, as the material will expand as the temperature rises. Be sure to leave a certain gap for the compression seam.

What is the secret of the popularity of polycarbonate canopies? Why is this material chosen more often than others? Is it really all about the low cost, or are there other features that are worth knowing about? How not to make a mistake when choosing a canopy for your home for the first time? What might this design look like, and why is it needed at all? We have prepared for you all the necessary information about canopies and canopies made of polycarbonate, and also selected 50 of the best photo examples!

Order a canopy?

There are promotional carport prices - turnkey carport 3.6 x 6.3 = 63,000 rubles!!!
turnkey carport for 2 cars 5.7 x 6.3 = 128,000 rubles!!!

The necessary welding is carried out during the production process using shielding gas, which ensures high quality welded joints.

Painting is also carried out at the factory. High-temperature drying of the painted layer ensures high strength and quality of the protective street coating.

The strength of our structures is ensured by correct load calculations (all calculations comply with the current standard).

Production and delivery times for ordered structures are within 2 weeks. Installation of the structure takes one to two days.

Canopy No. roof canopy size, w*d size according to outer pillars, w*d 3d sketch with dimensions covered area canopy price, including installation and delivery (turnkey)
the width of the canopies is 3.4 m.
3 3,4 * 5,3 3,0 * 5,0 18 61 490
4 3,4 * 6,3 3,0 * 6,0 21,6 69 190
5 3,4 * 7,4 3,0 * 7,1 25,2 77 990
6 3,4 * 8,5 3,0 * 8,2 28,8 82 390
7 3,4 * 9,5 3,0 * 9,0 32,5 92 290
the width of the canopies is 4.4 m.
16 4,4 * 3,2 4,0 * 2,9 14 46 090
17 4,4 * 4,2 4,0 * 3,9 18,5 60 390
18 4,4 * 5,3 4,0 * 5,0 23,2 71 390
19 4,4 * 6,3 4,0 * 6,0 27,7 80 190
20 4,4 * 7,4 4,0 * 7,1 32,4 92 290
21 4,4 * 8,5 4,0 * 8,2 37 104 390
22 4,4 * 9,5 4,0 * 9,0 41,7 115 390
23 4,4 * 10,6 4,0 * 10,0 46,3 120 890

Why do people choose polycarbonate

Let's figure out what this material is. Polycarbonate is a hard polymer plastic. It is widely used not only in construction, but also for the production of lenses, compact discs, and computer parts.

May be:

Cellular polycarbonate is several thin plates connected to each other by jumpers. In cross section, the sheet is divided into cells, and the air contained in them provides good thermal insulation properties of the material.

Monolithic polycarbonate is a continuous sheet of polymer without voids or cells. This is a universal building material that has excellent light transmittance and can replace ordinary glass.

Among the advantages of the material it is worth highlighting:

  • Affordable price. Polycarbonate is cheaper than metal, glass and wood.

  • Light weight for easy installation. Cellular polycarbonate is 16 times lighter than glass.

  • Fire safety. Does not ignite and does not contribute to the spread of fire.

  • Resistant to temperature changes. Polycarbonate tolerates operation well in the temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees Celsius.

  • Reliability and durability. A properly made canopy from this material will serve you for decades.

  • Flexibility and plasticity. You can create designs of various design shapes.

  • Variety of colors. Polycarbonate is available in all possible colors, which makes it possible to choose a material that fits perfectly into the style of the building.

  • Easy to care for. To clean the cover of the canopy from dirt, you do not need expensive detergents. It washes well with regular soapy water.

It is not surprising that with so many useful properties, polycarbonate is so popular as a material for building sheds. Let's figure out what a canopy for a house can be like?

Canopy over the entrance

The canopy above the entrance serves to protect the porch from rain, snow and other unfavorable factors. It can be attached to the building on suspensions or installed on additional supports. The frame material is wood, steel or aluminum.

Polycarbonate canopies on a forged frame look very beautiful and interesting. Floral motifs and complex geometric shapes of forged elements give the appearance of the visor luxury and chic. Such designs fit well into the style of ancient buildings and classic private houses.

A polycarbonate canopy over the entrance not only perfectly fulfills its main function, but also serves as a harmonious addition to the exterior, and in some cases, a bright accent that can completely change the visual perception of the appearance of the house. Thanks to the variety of colors, the material can be perfectly matched to the color of the building.


The advantages of building a carport for a house are obvious:

When designing such a structure, the dimensions of your car are taken into account, and a part of the building is selected that is convenient to drive up to.

Cozy terrace

A common option for installing a polycarbonate canopy to a house is to create a terrace for summer recreation. It can be placed directly in front of the main entrance or on the side of the building. Tables and chairs are installed, the high fire safety of the material allows you to place a barbecue on such a terrace.

And this is another example of how a variety of colors allows you to create the perfect design to suit your taste. It is very pleasant to be under a completely transparent roof during warm summer rain. They say that you can watch the flowing drops of water endlessly. The tinted coating will protect from bright sunlight and ultraviolet radiation. An interesting lighting effect is created by bright sheets of colored polycarbonate.

Wood is an environmentally friendly natural material that has a pleasant smell

Where to order a canopy?

There are people who do not trust masters in anything, believing that doing it yourself is easier and cheaper. But this option is only good for those who are professional in construction, clearly know all the technology of the process, and besides, can buy materials from friends cheaper than in a hardware store or on the market. What do others risk:

This is why you should trust professionals! The company Canopy Master has been engaged in canopies, canopies, gazebos and greenhouses for 12 years. Our arsenal includes hundreds of successfully completed projects, the quality of which is confirmed by their service life.

The best craftsmen, who not only know and love their job, but also treat it with the utmost responsibility, will make you a custom-made canopy in just 2-4 weeks. You will be pleasantly surprised by the daily help of a competent person who will answer all your questions.

Don't waste your time and energy. By ordering the product today, you can enjoy a great vacation in the near future.
