Crafts made from waste material to decorate the site and veranda. Decorating children's verandas in kindergarten with your own hands in the summer (photo) Decorating the veranda in kindergarten with your own hands

Galina Ivakina

Every year in our kindergarten we hold a competition to prepare for the LOC. 2013 was no exception. Together with our replacement, we thought through the design plot and veranda. The emphasis was on crafts from waste materials. We thought, did, and remade a lot. But the result made itself felt. We took 3rd place of honor among all kindergarten groups, and we have 11 of them. And I want to introduce you to our design. In autumn near our plot They cut down the maple and left large stumps, which served as a setting for Pushkin’s fairy tale.

...Near Lukomorye there is a green oak

Golden chain on the oak tree

Both day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything wanders around the chain.

...There are miracles there, the devil wanders there,

A mermaid sits on the branches.

There, on unknown paths,

Traces of unseen beasts:

There's a hut there on chicken legs

It stands without windows, without doors.

The hut on chicken legs was made by specialists from our kindergarten - musicians, cooks, and an art teacher.

Sweet couple sitting on a bench near a plant "Broken heart".

"Lesovik" invites you to our group's site.

And this is a hive made from a plastic bottle.

A cheerful caterpillar of marigolds that are not yet blooming.

Elephant watering "fountain" flower bed made from a wheel tire.

A butterfly flutters over flower pots with petunia and viola. I made this butterfly according to Zhanna Shaidarova’s design.

The wall the verandas are decorated with panels.

I would also like to present the emblem of our group "Sun".

This is what we got plot this year!

And now I want to show you interesting crafts made from waste materials from other teachers that they came up with for decoration of verandas and grounds.

Children pay attention to the details of interior and exterior design. To create a fabulous, cheerful atmosphere, you will need to use your imagination. From scrap materials you can create a real masterpiece. The environment on the summer veranda will contribute to the harmonious development of children. Their stay in the preschool institution will be comfortable and safe.

Does not require large material costs. The master will be required to show imagination, making the right accents during the creative process. The right approach to organizing the environment will make children's walks enjoyable. They will be able to get acquainted with the beauty of the world around them, immerse themselves in the world of fairy tales and magic.

General design of the site

Veranda in kindergarten (photo of design presented below) should be consistent with the general type of design that is used on the site. It should be a picturesque landscape, on the territory of which all the kids will be comfortable. When designing a veranda, you will need to take into account a number of rules when carrying out such work.

The choice of design must be approached comprehensively. All components of street design must form a single picture. When choosing a style and theme, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children who will be walking in the designated area.

When developing a holistic picture, it is necessary to use bright, colorful images. These can be elements of nature, characters from your favorite cartoons, fairy tales, etc. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the design features of the veranda itself. The chosen style must fit harmoniously into the limited space of the building.

What is a veranda?

Considering options for decorating a veranda in a kindergarten, it is necessary to understand what such a building is. Its foundation is not separated from the main structure. In some cases, a veranda is a building standing separately from the main building. This is the room that separates the main interior space of the house from the street. Also included in the category of “verandas in kindergarten” is an open pavilion in which children play during their walks.

The veranda area is relatively small. This building must have a roof. It is closed on all sides, but there are also open varieties. When children come to kindergarten, the first thing they pass through is the veranda. When a child first enters kindergarten, he gets his first impression of the new premises, starting with this building.

In order for the baby to feel comfortable here, kindergarten workers should try their best when choosing the design of the veranda, internal and external space of the preschool institution. The design should be benevolent and kind. It is for this reason that special attention is paid to the design of the entrance to the kindergarten.

Considering ideas for decorating a veranda in a kindergarten, it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements for carrying out this process. The standards for the arrangement of child care facilities are quite high. Children should be completely safe when walking in the fresh air.

Near the veranda there may be swings, ladders, horizontal bars or carousels. This is a play area. The veranda can become the central object on the site. Therefore, its design must be approached responsibly.

The veranda should protect children from scorching sun rays and adverse weather conditions. When choosing exterior elements, it is necessary to give preference to equipment that develops logic and speech. The presence of tables will allow children to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere. There must also be benches on the veranda.

Design options

In spring, autumn or winter it can differ significantly. Various ready-made designs are available for sale. You can show your imagination and decorate the building yourself. It will be much more interesting.

The design can be thematic and have a specific color scheme. You can also choose a specific style according to the age of the children, their interests and preferences. The world around us influences the harmonious development of a child. Therefore, it is recommended to choose bright images, colors and subjects.

Safety is a major factor in this process. Paints, available materials and other elements must be environmentally friendly and safe for health. Do not use paint with a strong odor or allergenic substances. Only certified products should be used for finishing.


Decoration of veranda walls in kindergarten, ceiling, tables and benches, as well as other elements can be done using improvised means. In this case, it will be necessary to emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings of the building.

To style the building space properly, you will need to perform a number of manipulations. First, the initial painting and finishing of the walls are done. When choosing a color scheme, you should give preference to bright, positive tones. This evokes positive emotions in children, provokes their activity and desire to play.

You can make various decorations and crafts. Children can take an active part in this process. In this case, the gazebo will be as interesting as possible for the children. When designing, you can take into account associations associated with the time of year. The style is chosen in accordance with the surrounding environment. The walls can also be decorated with portraits of characters from fairy tales or cartoons.

Drawings on the walls

It will be bright and close to children if you choose the technique of painting on the walls. In this case, it is recommended to seek help from professional artists. If this is not possible, there are several simple ways out of the situation.

Most often, stencils are used when decorating veranda walls. In this case, even a person who does not have much talent in the field of painting will be able to beautifully paint the walls.

When choosing images, you need to give preference to bright, simple objects. You can depict flowers, berries, mushrooms, grass, birds, the sun, etc. Pictures that are too complex, with a large abundance of details, can distract children and scatter their attention. Such a picture will be tiring and seem alien to children. Therefore, simple but kind pictures will be preferable in this case.

Additional items

Decoration of verandas in kindergarten involves the arrangement of benches. They should not take up much space inside the building. However, their length should be sufficient so that the entire group can sit down in their places at the same time. There may also be tables here. You can decorate them in various ways.

Children's tables should not be full of details. If desired, you can apply large but simple designs on them. This, for example, could be a butterfly, a berry, a leaf, etc. There should not be too many tables. It is important for children to leave enough free space.

When choosing the configuration of furniture and other internal and external elements of the veranda, it is necessary to avoid the appearance of corners. Tables must be round or oval. Benches should not have corners. They should be rounded. The material from which the furniture is made must be well finished. There should be no burrs or irregularities.


Complement the overall style decoration of verandas in kindergarten allow additional elements. These can be garlands, crafts, soft toys. Such additional elements can be created from various available materials. For example, a garland can be made from candy wrappers. Children collect the wrappers, and then the teacher strings them on a string. This is how you get a lush original garland.

You can use various toys for decoration. Crafts made from natural materials will also complement the interior space of the structure. Children will be interested in taking part in this process.

Around the veranda itself there are beautiful flower beds. They can be located around the perimeter of the building. Flowerbeds can be made from tires or other available materials. They can have different configurations.

Making a garland

You can add a festive atmosphere when design of verandas in kindergarten homemade garlands. You can use colored paper for this. Bright clippings from magazines, etc. will do.

First you need to cut out the elements of the garland. They can have different shapes. Most often they are made in the form of rectangles, circles, triangles and arbitrary configurations. They are bent in half.

Having considered the options for designing a veranda in a kindergarten, you can complete the entire process yourself in accordance with existing standards and requirements.

Kids spend a lot of time on walks in kindergarten, which is better used for their learning and development, which is why the correct design DIY children's verandas It's worth thinking carefully enough. Anyone, whether you are designing a corner in the country or a real stationary veranda in a preschool institution, must meet several criteria: it must be safe, bright and attractive, must contain educational elements and allow for moderate physical activity.

By combining all this in one space, you get the perfect place for kids to play during light rain or strong sun.

We decorate the children's veranda with our own hands

First, we will consider with you those cases when you need to build a variety of them on a summer cottage, that is, where there are not a large number of children, and accordingly, a large area of ​​​​the veranda itself is not needed.

On the other hand, a small house or hut will not be able to fully cope with the educational and playful function of a spacious canopy, so we will definitely need to build a shelter and decorate it according to all the rules, but it does not have to be a permanent building.

An awning stretched near the wall of a house or summer kitchen, as well as a small gazebo of light construction, are suitable. When the building itself is ready, we decorate the children's veranda with your own hands so that all its future users will like it.

Three mandatory areas for DIY children's veranda decorations, photo which you can see in almost all the examples presented in today’s article - these are the floor, walls and shelves.

All educational, developing, decorating elements are placed on these three surfaces. Cartoon or fairy-tale characters are traditionally drawn on the walls, and games such as targets or drawing boards are also placed. On the floor there is a sports ground, a labyrinth for running, a road for learning the rules of the road, circles for playing Twister, and so on. Mobiles, that is, elements of vertical decor, are hung on the ceiling.

These can be paper or plastic garlands, bells, so-called wind chimes, a ship with fabric sails, a large sun with rays - branches or an umbrella with hanging ribbons depicting rain. When air moves, during gusts of wind, all these elements will move, giving a melodic ringing or a soothing rustle.

Besides the task decorate the veranda in kindergarten with your own hands As a rule, they do this so that children can not only sit under the roof, but also play in the sandbox, ride on the slides or climb on an impromptu climbing wall. There is no point in duplicating all these elements inside the veranda, they are too bulky, and it will be inconvenient to use there.

But a table for studying, cabinets with toys, soft bean bags, a hammock - all this can be placed on the veranda. The child will use all this not only in inclement weather or when the sun is too active, but will also be able to sleep, read a book or do creative work in the fresh air.

DIY veranda for kindergarten

We are always well aware of the tastes and preferences of our child, so decorating a corner for him is not particularly difficult. Things get a little more complicated when you need to transform DIY veranda for kindergarten, where you need to create the ideal form of a cozy and safe play space that would appeal to 20-30 children at once. In order to transform, you can use ideas that have already been successfully used by other parents for similar work.

Standard verandas are a U-shaped brick building with a pitched roof that provides good protection from wind, sun or rain. Start off DIY veranda decoration in kindergarten need a thorough cleaning of the old decoration. The space needs to be completely washed, freed from dust and dirt, and also checked to see if there are any chips, cracks, or sharp edges on any elements (benches, railings, balusters).

It begins with the preparatory work decorating a veranda in a kindergarten with your own hands. Despite the abundance of new materials, they most often resort to using concrete screed or wooden flooring, because it will be easier to paint on them, and as we agreed above, the floor must become part of the overall design concept.

Of course, it is logical that for do-it-yourself kindergarten verandas (photo– examples are posted above) as for any other room, you first paint the walls and clean the space under the roof, then move on to the floor and at the very end, when the paint, varnish and other materials that you use in your work have dried, you can begin placement of decor.

When decorating, use ideas, but be more demanding when choosing raw materials. Not only does paper fade quickly, it can also become deformed when exposed to moisture. Therefore, it is better to use plastic, cellophane and the like. Foamed polystyrene has proven itself very well, for decorating a kindergarten veranda with your own hands, photo which you can find online use ceiling panels made of this material. But remember that there should be few of them and they must be placed in a well-ventilated area.

Some examples DIY kindergarten veranda decorations, photo which you have seen do not show standard buildings, but sheds of a new type, which can be ordered with all the contents ready-made, turnkey. In this case, the parents decide whether or not to do the registration themselves and save money or trust the professionals.

Teachers from MBDOU No. 2 in Kemerovo share with us their recommendations on how to make it interesting and unusual.

Summer is a fun time! And the beauty and fabulousness of the kindergarten areas delight both children, parents and guests of our preschool educational institution.

At the entrance everyone is greeted by cheerful people. They are made from waste material: large drinking water bottles.

The top of the bottle is cut off with scissors, and the outside of the craft is covered with bright paint, for example, from a spray can. When the paint dries, glue on the eyes and mouth from self-adhesive paper.

You can plant flower seedlings or a bunch of ordinary grass inside. You can make original ponytails by tying bunches of grass into one or tying two ponytails with satin ribbons of different colors.

When designing the plots, the teachers of each group chose their own theme.

For some, it is a cheerful clearing where beetles and butterflies live. They delight children and help reinforce their knowledge of colors.

But on the marine-themed veranda you can find fish and fancy sea shells, and also play with water. The fish on the sea veranda are quirky and different, so the children and I fix the size, find differences and similarities.

The veranda is decorated with flowerpots in the shape of fish, which are made from the same plastic bottles as the little men at the entrance. Only the technique differs - the hole is cut from one side. Fluffy tails are easily cut from colored plastic bags, and the eyes are made from self-adhesive paper.

And here is another flower meadow in the form of a bright garland, where Christmas trees, berries and mushrooms grow.

Next to the flowers in the clearing there are other forest inhabitants - a hedgehog and a butterfly.

There was also a place for dancing people.

A cheerful nesting doll is walking under the birch trees.

Birds and their chicks sat in the trees nearby.

And a bear climbed up the tree and smelled honey. The bear is cut out of a plastic bottle. A little imagination and you're done.

To make bees you will need milk bottles.

A wise owl hid among the branches.

Ladybugs sat down to rest on a birch tree, and you can count the dots on their backs. It can be seen that they are made of disks.

On another veranda, your favorite Smeshariki go on a journey on a steam locomotive. Garlands for verandas are printed on a color printer, the pictures are laminated.

For the design of the plots, we were awarded a letter of gratitude from the education department of the administration of the city of Kemerovo for creativity and skill.

We thank senior educator M.S. for the material provided. Gaponenko and additional education teacher A.S. Tikhomirov.

According to modern pediatricians, the ideal kindergarten is one in which children spend maximum time in active games in the fresh air, while developing and having fun at the same time, and in solving such a problem one simply cannot do without a good verandas for kindergarten. This structure must be suitable for use both in summer and winter, be warm, protect children from rain and drafts, and at the same time contain elements of educational activities and fun games with any cartoon characters. We will look at examples of excellent designs and decorations in this material.

Decorating the veranda in kindergarten

Like all other parameters, the dimensions of the shade canopy are strictly regulated by building codes. It is believed that the area of ​​this structure should be no less than 20 square meters, and the ceiling height should be 1.5-2 meters, while the distance from the ground level to the flooring should be no less than 15 centimeters.

But these dimensions are the minimum acceptable and can be adjusted, because if in a group on a walk (as often happens today) there are many more than twenty children at the same time, then inside the gazebo they will be quite cramped and will have to transfer part of the lesson to an open area or sacrifice the walk if the weather is unfavorable.

So in those preschool groups whose leaders and parents know that there will be a lot of children, it is worth thinking about larger-scale construction and subsequent decorating the veranda in kindergarten.

The only thing that should not be changed is the height from the soil level. The higher it is, the more difficult it is for children to constantly climb this step and the greater the likelihood of falls and injuries.

But you can’t make the floor lower, it will freeze, water, sand, and so on can get inside. The walls must be both warm and durable, and previously the ideal material to complement such a walking gazebo was brick.

Indeed, this material made it possible to create strong, durable do-it-yourself kindergarten veranda (photo you can see in this article), which would be cool in the summer and provide protection from wind, rain and snow in the fall and winter.

Ventilation is carried out using one open wall and specially made openings, as well as an empty row between the roof supports and the walls. The roof was made pitched, but with a sufficient slope to make it possible to get rid of the accumulating layer of snow in a timely manner.

As you understand, for do-it-yourself kindergarten verandas the priority was, is and will be the reliability of the structure, which means that the arrangement of the foundation, the calculation of beams and supports were approached with special care, making all the maximum tolerances for strength.

Private kindergartens and public ones, with the financial support of parents, today can order or buy a veranda for a kindergarten in finished form, and often we are talking about polycarbonate structures in whole or in part.

This is a modern material that has all the advantages of brick, wood, and traditional roofing, but its transparency allows you to make the veranda very bright, very attractive in appearance, without any additional thought. In addition to such gazebos, they usually immediately buy complete children’s playgrounds with swings, a sandbox, slides and all possible educational elements, but parents will have to spend quite a lot on all this beauty.

Decorating a veranda in a kindergarten

Of course, not all parents want to take on such a financial burden or bother about financing, but this does not mean that a little cosmetic repairs cannot be made to the existing building.

Therefore, most often when they talk about decorating a veranda in a kindergarten, then they mean finishing the walls, applying graffiti, installing the simplest furniture inside and thinking through developmental elements that can serve in all seasons, and not just in the summer.

For holidays in the warm season, you can use homemade decorations similar to (examples of similar decorating a kindergarten veranda with your own hands you can see in the photo above), but it’s still better to place more emphasis on decorations/entertainment that can last children at all times of the year. These include, for example, fields painted on the floor for chess and checkers, hopscotch, games of twister, and the like.

Undoubtedly, walking veranda for kindergarten needs good developmental elements, which can be large cubes with numbers and letters, the alphabet drawn on the walls, simple arithmetic examples. Children will look at all this every day and remember it much better than during lessons at tables in a group. At the same time, the kids will breathe fresh air, move actively, and this will become an excellent guarantee of health for them.

You can see interesting options, how to decorate a veranda in kindergarten and most of them are just about wall painting. Children are always interested in their favorite cartoon characters drawn on the walls, such as Smeshariki or Fixiki, so they will go for a walk to such a beautiful veranda with great pleasure.

Veranda in summer in kindergarten– this is a great place for toy and real tea parties, birthday celebrations, and themed evenings. All removable decoration can be aimed at this; furniture (benches, tables) can be provided, which are removed for the winter.

In addition to decorate the kindergarten veranda with your own hands, also think about interesting elements of the site - beautiful fences between groups, “mushrooms” from the sun, an interestingly designed sandbox or a health path.