Choosing an electric massager. Which massage bed is better? Gain experience in a specialized salon

When your back pain can no longer be tolerated, you finally decide to buy a massager to always have at hand. But it turns out that more than 2,000 products from different manufacturers and of varying quality are sold on the Internet. How not to get confused? What to choose: manual or roller for a chair? What is the best way to relax cramped muscles?

Which one is more suitable for osteochondrosis, and which one for neuralgia? We have selected the TOP 11 best massagers and will tell you about the main types and what they are suitable for. Let's start with the simplest and cheapest, gradually moving in our TOP 11 to the most expensive models.

Massagers are used all over the world and in all cultures, but they gained real popularity at the beginning of the 21st century, when hard work caused neuralgia, diseases of the joints and spine in millions of people.

They are used as additional and replacement therapy in treatment programs for athletes, office workers, drivers, doctors, and in rehabilitation medicine. Their use does not require special skills or the participation of another person.

Choosing a manual electric massager

We chose 3 similar in appearance, but still different electric hand massagers. Unlike shiatsu, here the massage head does not rotate, but moves up and down, like a jackhammer. That's why in English they are called percussion massagers - drums.

Jade massager - Zenet ZET-711

Two features make it stand out from a number of similar products: two massaging heads and infrared heat. Less massive than WAHL, but, in general, the product is identical - when choosing, the presence of a heating mode will most likely decide the matter. Used for delicate massage.

Electric massager Casada Tappymed II CMK-122

The device presented to your attention is designed and created specifically for conducting complex massage sessions of all parts of the body. Thus, the gadget has two main components, namely an ergonomic handle for comfortable use, and a special massage head, which, by moving up and down, stimulates blood flow, fights pain and helps to dissolve fatty tissues. Casada Tappymed II CMK-122 is suitable for fighting cellulite, getting rid of headaches and simply preventive massage of the arms, legs, neck and other parts of the body.

Choosing a roller massager for the neck and back

If the problem is local - the neck or lower back, then a small roller massager may be enough for you. You can take such a massage pillow in your hand and apply it to a sore spot (neck, knee) or place it under your lower back in the car on the way home. The second option, where long loop handles are sewn to the massage unit, is needed for working with large surfaces: the back, shoulders, buttocks, hips. Movement of the straps up and down, left and right and diagonally allows you to almost completely replace a real, live massage therapist.

Shiatsu massage pillow for home and car Planta MP-010B

This small Shiatsu massage pillow is suitable for the neck, ankles, knees, elbows, and can also be placed under the lower back. Planta has an ultra-thin body, only 6 cm. At the same time, it provides a full acupressure using 4 shiatsu knots and muscle relaxation using heat. Popular for use in the office and in the car, because within a 20-minute work interval it relieves tension in the areas most vulnerable to sedentary work.

Review from a real buyer A very useful device, I used it for a while until it broke. During this time, I can describe it as indispensable in the daily life of a driver, especially if you are a truck driver.

Hand massager “Dolphin”

WAHL with five attachments on a long handle is a quick help for tension or pain: a flat large disc kneads large muscles, a four-finger attachment imitates a manual massage, the accu-point is well suited for concentrated massage of small areas, and also if the pain point is deep in the tissues , a simple round attachment is designed for a general relaxing massage. A good option for the whole family.

Review from a real buyer I bought this for my mother-in-law and now she can’t get enough of it. She says that it helps with her pain + massages her pleasantly. In general, I'm her favorite now)

Wooden belt massager - 11 links

Consisting of a nylon rope, wooden drums (11 links) and a plastic handle, the band massager is designed to relax the whole body. With this inexpensive device you can get rid of cellulite and fat deposits. It is very easy to use and does not require special skills or the help of a third party.

You can massage yourself by holding both handles on both sides. A fairly large tape allows you to easily reach any part of the body - lower back, neck, hips. As you move your arms, the drums roll, dispersing the blood and providing a massage.


A flat stomach or sculpted abdominal muscles is the dream of every person who actively monitors their physical condition. Due to lack of time, many do not have time to regularly visit the gym, so the Bradex AV-Tronic myostimulator can be an effective replacement. An analogue of this device is the Ommassage Y1018 massager, which performs the same functions, but looks different. The presented device works on the principle of electronic muscle stimulation using vibration, which allows you to build muscle mass and fight excess fat without excessive effort. The myostimulator is controlled thanks to a small panel located in the front of the simulator.

EMS (Myostimulator)- neuromuscular electrical stimulation. The method increases muscle tone in extremely untrained and paralyzed people. Also useful in recovery after a stroke. A muscle myostimulator is suitable for sick people, for recovery after a stroke or a long-term illness (spinal fracture when a person lay motionless for several months), when the muscles are so atrophied that light electrical stimulation is enough to restore them. But these devices are often positioned as a means for losing weight and pumping up muscles.

Chair back massagers

Here we have chosen 2 massagers, the first is vibration, the second is with shiatsu rollers. If you are a driver, then a vibration massage will be more suitable for you (but be careful not to doze off, because a vibration massage is relaxing). Shiatsu balls on the driver's seat are uncomfortable. Imagine that they will constantly rest on your lower back, and if you are going on a long trip, you will get more tired of it than enjoy it. But at home you can completely relax and get a deep massage.

You get a massage with rollers with the full feeling that the hard, merciless (yes, yes, merciless, as many buyers say that this kind of massage is too strong) fingers of the masseur are passing over your back and, of course, the massage is accompanied by soothing heat for tense muscles.

Massage cape with heating and vibration KMD 019J

The KMD cape comprehensively solves problems with pain in the back muscles and spine, neuralgia, cramps, and arthritic pain in large joints. Massaging the back of the thighs accelerates blood circulation in the legs, which is extremely necessary for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Ten vibration zones over the entire surface provide a uniform massage, even while driving a car. There are no rollers here, this cushion is designed for relaxation, relaxation and soothing of tired back muscles. Its purpose is to relax the driver's muscles on a long or tiring trip.

However, many buyers, judging by the reviews, would prefer to see built-in shiatsu rollers complete with vibration elements. But the engineering solution is dictated by common sense: prolonged exposure to non-working rollers on the back muscles will create discomfort. This massage cap is suitable for those who have a high pain threshold and experience pain or discomfort from a massage with shiatsu balls. In the category of massage covers without shiatsu elements, this is definitely the most functional option.

Review from a real buyer I’ve been using it for two weeks now, it seems to me that the massager is a little weak, it could be made stronger, but overall it’s not even good.

Vibromassage cape with neck rollers and IR heating Neck and Back Massage Cushion FitStidio

Suitable for people of different heights - from 150 to 185 cm: two upper shiatsu massage units built into the headrest will provide you with the desired quality of massage if you adjust the cover to your size. It is especially recommended for people with a height of 165 cm and below, for whom it is usually difficult to choose a back massager so that the headrest balls fall on the neck muscles. Two vibration sources with three intensity levels are built into the seat, and four shiatsu nodes, each with two balls, move along a complex path in the lower back, which gives the effect of a deep 3D massage.

Back massager comparison chart

Photo Description Price
Body massager - Spider The cheapest and simplest body massager. Made from high quality stick.

Wooden belt massager

Cheap and simple massager for the body and neck. Made from durable and environmentally friendly wood. Stimulates muscles and blood vessels.

Cape KMD

Maximum number of vibration zones, delicate relaxing massage

Massage pillow Medisana
Four shiatsu balls, three massage modes, convenient use for the whole body.

Myostimulator Bradex AV-Tronic

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation, modern control panel.

Massage is a set of techniques: stroking, vibration, effleurage, rubbing, pinching parts of the human body, both with hands and with special devices, in order to achieve the goals: improve health, relieve fatigue, get rid of stress, tighten the skin, remove the tummy or lose weight.

We present to you ten types of the most famous massage procedures; you yourself can decide which massage complex is right for you.

1 type of massage – Swedish massage

This complex is known as classic massage. It is often called the Swedish massage system or simply massage. When performed, the sore joints are rubbed. Stretching nerve bundles and muscles using massage oil or lotion. This is a very pleasant, easy and relaxing procedure. First of all, it is recommended to do this.

2nd type of massage – Aromatic massage

The therapy, carried out using essential oils, relieves hypochondria, fatigue, mental tension and negative emotions, and gives excellent long-lasting results. An essential oil often used in aromatherapy is lavender.

3 type of massage - hot stone massage

The hot stone procedure is recommended for people who are bothered by regular muscle spasms, but who choose painless therapy. Basalt polished stones are placed on certain points. The heat flowing from the stones penetrates the skin, easing muscle spasms and improving blood circulation. The specialist applies gentle pressure on the stones and massages the desired area.

4 type of massage – Deep-penetrating

Deep massage - performed to relieve muscle tension. The specialist works on the second and third layers of the patient’s muscles. It not only improves muscle tone, but also has a beneficial effect on the nervous, lymphatic and circulatory systems. The technique of execution, special hooks and stretching of tissues, the effect is soft and most importantly painless.

5th type of massage – Shiatsu

Shiatsu is a traditional Japanese therapy. The technique is soft, light pressure without jerking for 3-8 seconds on the acupuncture point. This type of massage is aimed at restoring and improving human energy. An amazing procedure usually leaves a pleasant impression.

6 type of massage – Thai massage

Thai massage is a comprehensive healing system that relieves tension, stress, increases flexibility, helps restore muscle tone and peace of mind. The procedure is performed by a master of the Thai system. It’s like yoga, only all the asanas are passive exercises, and a specialist will help you do them. This massage helps restore the tone of the human body and activates energy flows, while being useful and pleasant.

7th type of massage – Massage during pregnancy

A massage procedure for women expecting the birth of a baby has become popular recently.
The procedure relaxes muscles, improves blood circulation, relieves pain and stress. This massage increases skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

8th type of massage – Reflexology

The massage is based on massaging the acupuncture points of the feet. Regular comprehensive foot massage will keep the entire body normal and avoid many diseases.

9th type of massage – Sports massage

Sports massage is developed according to the principles of Swedish massage. Favors the rapid achievement of sports shape, and is also a good preparation before playing sports and helps fight fatigue.

10th type of massage – Back massage

The most ideal way to help relieve tension in the back and relieve us of stress.

We have presented you with ten types of the most famous massage procedures, and you yourself can decide which massage complex is right for you.

10 most popular types of massage


Rubbing and massaging the whole body after a shower - how and with what?

Underwater massage - indications for use, benefits, contraindications

Imagine how pleasant it is to enjoy a massage after a tiring day at work or an intense workout. But visiting a massage therapist every day is an expensive pleasure. There is a solution - a massager. But which massager is better to buy and how not to overpay for unnecessary functions? Let's figure it out.

What types of massagers are there?

First of all, you must understand that a massager is not a replacement for therapeutic massage, but relaxation gadget.
If you are concerned about osteochondrosis, radiculitis or other serious health problems, you cannot prescribe a massage for yourself. Before using the massager, consult your doctor.
If you are sure that there are no contraindications, you need to decide which massager to choose. Let's tell you more about the types of massagers.

Massage pillows and vests

These massagers help act in a targeted manner to certain areas.

If your problem is a stiff and aching neck, choose headrest pillow. We offer .

Good neck massager cervical-collar area– in the form factor of a vest. We recommend that you pay attention to.

The advantage of these gadgets is versatility. If desired, you can massage other parts of the body: back, legs, stomach.

If you are bothered by an aching lower back, choose back pillow. For example, . It has an anatomical shape and follows the contours of the body, affecting exactly where it is needed.

What are the advantages:

  • Compact size– get a massage wherever you want. Convenient to take with you in the car or on a bus trip.
  • Affordable price– buying such a massager will not blow your budget.

Massage capes

This is the most expensive option, but also the most relaxing - they turns any chair into a massage chair.

Massage capes simultaneously massage the upper and lower back, lower back, buttocks and thighs.

It helps relieve stress and tension, eliminates muscle spasms and pain after exercise. After such a massage you will feel fresh and rested.

We have selected 2 options to choose from:

And there are massagers only for heels - for example,

Head massagers

There are several types.

  • For the scalp.
  • For face.
  • For eyes.

Massager for headportable a gadget designed to allow you to relax for a few minutes at any time.

Facial massager is a favorite gadget of women. It gives not only relaxing, but also rejuvenating effect.

And so that you don’t overpay for 2 gadgets, we offer a 2-in-1 solution -. This is a head and face massager in a waterproof case so that you can use it in the shower.

Everyone knows that every few hours you need to do eye exercises, but few people actually do it. Eye Massager– a necessity for those who care about their health.

Seriously think about buying such a gadget if you spend a lot of time on the computer or read a lot. It gently massages the eyes and area around the eyes, helping to relieve fatigue and prevent vision deterioration.

- just such a massager. As a bonus, it gets rid of fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes. Try it and see!

About types of massage

Massagers also differ in the type of massage. There are many of them, so we will list the most popular ones.

Roller massagers– for deep massage. They imitate real hand movements of a massage therapist. You can enjoy a Shiatsu or Thai massage without leaving your home.

Vibration massager- a softer option. This type of massage is not like a manual one - using mechanical vibrations of varying intensity, a vibrating massager gently relaxes your body.

Compression massager– gentle massage air cushions, which compress and decompress. Usually these are facial or foot massagers. But this technique does not provide a deep effect on biologically active points, so it is used in combination with other types of massage.

Percussion massager- massage tapping technique. Most often these are hand massagers - such as. This massage deeply affects the tissues, eliminates pain and stimulates muscle recovery. It is also one of the most popular means to fight cellulite.

What goodies are worth it?

Different types of nozzles. You get the opportunity to do several types of massage instead of one. By changing the head attachments to facial brushes, the massager turns into a 2-in-1 gadget.

A hand massager can gently massage with a round attachment, imitate a Shiatsu massage with a point attachment, or intensively massage with a serrated attachment for an anti-cellulite effect.

Why Naipo?

Let us explain why we trust this particular manufacturer.

Dmitry, director of the Portable store

“We got acquainted with these gadgets at the April exhibition in Hong Kong.
The Naipo company had a huge stand where it was possible to test all the models. Over the summer, we completely studied the assortment, looked at reviews of the most popular models on and brought samples."

It turned out that in Belarus such massagers are sold either in a TV store format or in medical equipment stores. Moreover, in the first case there are questions about quality, and in the second the price is too high.

We believe that Naipo massagers are an excellent combination of price and quality and we want you to be convinced of this too. For each massager we give 12 months warranty.

Try it - we're sure you'll like it!

Have your muscles lost their elasticity, your skin has become flabby, or have you gained excess weight? Don't have time for the gym or visiting a massage therapist? Sedentary work, stress, poor nutrition? Are you out of your usual comfort zone and don’t know how to return to good health and a positive attitude? There is a way out - massagers. This is an ideal option for those who want to always feel in excellent physical shape and engage in health improvement on their own, in the comfort of their own home. Their main advantage and difference from the services of massage therapists is that they can be used at any time and without special skills and knowledge.

Benefits of massage

Proper body massage is not only very pleasant, but useful. If you start listing the positive dynamics launched by him, the list will be almost endless, because massage successfully corrects numerous problems of the body. For example, massage can:

Restore flexibility and mobility, as well as elasticity and smoothness to tissues;
- improve blood circulation by saturating the blood with oxygen;
- stimulate the outflow of lymph and thereby strengthen the immune system and improve the performance of the cardiovascular system;
- launch tissue restoration, remove stagnation and swelling;
- by accelerating gas exchange, remove metabolic products;
- strengthen joint tissue and ligaments;
- promote muscle contraction, increase their tone and restore them after prolonged physical activity or injury;
- correct posture and correct stoop;
- increase the secretory functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands;
- accelerate metabolism in the subcutaneous fat layer, thereby eliminating excess fat;
- reduce pain;
- enhance the effect of vitamins, enzymes and hormones;
- smoothes facial wrinkles, stops the aging process;
- relieve general tension, fatigue, stress and many more - many other external manifestations and internal functional changes in the body.

There are both universal massagers and those designed for specific body parts and organs. Let's try to understand the many existing models and consider their differences from each other. Each of them differs in the type of device itself and, accordingly, a certain effect on the body.

Types of massagers

Vibrating massagers.

Devices of this type are designed to replace manual massage. In the process of vibrating movements, mechanical kneading of the muscles occurs and, as a result, the mobility of the limbs improves, congestion is eliminated, immunity and the body’s ability to resist diseases are increased, muscle tension and pain are relieved, blood flow improves, the figure is corrected, etc.
The device can be made in a wide variety of forms, such as: a collar, a vest, a massage chair, a chair cover, a pillow, a platform with spikes, a handle and many other forms. Depending on the geometric structure of the attachments in contact with the body (needles, spikes, fingers, cams, etc.), as well as the frequency and amplitude of their vibrations, such devices can simulate various types of massage: acupressure, acupressure, shiatsu, classical, etc. Most models are equipped with a set of attachments for different parts of the body.

Pneumatic massagers

The impact of compressed air occurs on the muscles, which alternately compress and unclench, resulting in increased blood circulation, which reduces blood clots, reduces swelling and fibrous tissue, and improves immunity.

Pulse massagers (myostimulators)

The effect on the body occurs through microdischarges at the nerve endings of the muscles. As a result, flabby and flabby muscles are strengthened, their contours become tightened and embossed, the structure of the skin improves, cellulite manifestations disappear, the fat layer becomes thinner, impurities and toxins are removed from the body. As a rule, when using models of this group, your hands remain free, so they can be used while doing household chores or playing sports.

Infrared massagers

The effect on the body occurs through the radiation of heat and the creation of a local sauna effect. As a result, blood circulation is stimulated and metabolic processes are activated, which leads to the removal of fat deposits in certain areas of the body, reduction of puffiness, disappearance of bags under the eyes, smoothing of fine wrinkles, and cleansing of the skin. As a rule, a pronounced effect appears in combination with other types of massage and the simultaneous use of cosmetic creams, which are better absorbed.

Ultrasonic massagers.

The effect on the body occurs through high-frequency acoustic vibrations, which penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, accelerating the synthesis of epidermal proteins. As a result, the supply of nutrients is activated, regeneration processes are launched, and inflammation is reduced. At the same time, the surface of the skin is cleansed and restored, small folds and old scars, stretch marks and cellulite “orange peel” disappear.


The effect on the body occurs with the help of microbubbles, which are obtained by mixing water and air flows. As a result, muscles relax, spasms and swelling are relieved, pain subsides, blood circulation is activated and joint mobility increases, the skin becomes elastic, and a pleasant cheerfulness appears in the body. Models in this group are most often produced in the form of a foot bath, or in the form of a bath mat that imitates the operating principle of a real jacuzzi.

Vacuum massagers

The effect on the body occurs through negative pressure, which causes blood flow to problem areas, activates metabolic processes in the deep layers and removes toxins and waste through the sweat and sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, the skin cleanses, turns pink, becomes soft and pleasant to the touch, inflammation and folds disappear. The antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect is also strongly expressed.

Criterias of choice

Options for massagers for effectively restoring muscle elasticity and joint mobility, relieving pain and tension, treatment or rehabilitation after illness. Such massagers are universal for the whole family and can solve a wide variety of problems in the body.

Not so long ago, a massage bed could be found exclusively within the walls of medical institutions. Now, in order to enjoy such a wonderful device, there is no need to buy a ticket to a sanatorium: the beds are openly available for sale. However, now the burden of choice has fallen on the consumer: what to look for when purchasing. We will tell you about this now.

Leading manufacturers of massage beds

The LOTUS company offers decent products (“experience”: 15 years). The company has gained an excellent reputation and its products are in great demand. Prices for massage mattresses start at 25,000 rubles. You can choose LOTUS massage beds from 120,000 rubles.

Nuga Best is the youngest of these companies, but perhaps the most successful. It was founded in 2002 and since then has managed to turn into a real empire. 6,000 branches in 70 countries – a good result in 13 years!

The second giant of the massage market is Ceragem. It has been around since 1998 and is also present in about 70 countries.

South Korean company Migun Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. - Patriarch in the field of massage equipment. It has existed since 1988.

All three “whales” from South Korea produce luxury products. A very expensive and high-quality massage bed is the Migun HY-7000E. Prices for their beds can reach up to 200,000 rubles. (the Migun HY-8800 model will cost approximately this amount).

The Taiwanese company Takasima has existed since 1977. Starting with the production of massage chairs, it then included beds and other massagers in its product range. In 1990, the company victoriously entered the markets of Western Europe and the USA; for the time being, massage beds of this brand are not supplied to Russia. The Takasima A-810 bed could be purchased for 145,000 rubles, and the more budget model Takasima A-808L – for only 128,000 rubles.

Comparison of models - which massage bed is better

For each buyer, the best massage bed is the one that suits his individual requirements. To make the selection process easier, we have compiled a rating of massage beds.

Internal massage. projector (jade/tourmaline/germanium) nephritis nephritis nephritis nephritis
Carriage arrangement roller + scanning roller + scanning spheral roller
Number of automatic programs 12 6 7 4
Types of massage mechanical back massage mechanical back massage mechanical massage of the back and legs
Manual control, remote control Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of rollers of internal projector rollers 4 pcs. + 1 pc. hemisphere hemisphere - 10 pcs. rollers 4 pcs. + 1 pc. hemisphere
Number of external projectors 2 non-bending 2 non-bending 2 non-bending 2 bendable
Myostimulator No No No No
Heating temperature from 40-70 degrees from 40-70 degrees from 40-70 degrees from 35-70 degrees
Maximum user weight 120 kg 120 kg 130 kg 130 kg
Changing the angle of the mats No up to 35 degrees No No
Folding mechanism or stationary folding folding stationary stationary
Power consumption 360 W 400 W 250 W 300 W
Drive unit screw screw belt-upper carriage, belt-lower carriage chain - upper carriage, belt - lower carriage
Number of electric motors 1 1 2 2
Total weight 55 kg 64.5 kg 67 kg 70 kg
Dimensions / folded / unfolded 700x1258x450 /700x2016x450

675x1235x430 /675x2000x430

2000x700x430 2044x640x645
Adjusting the carriage for height Yes Yes No Yes
Availability of a certificate of conformity (In Russia) Yes Yes Yes Yes
Availability of FDA certificate (in the World) Yes No Yes No
Availability of a registration certificate for a medical device (in Russia) Yes No Yes No
Manufacturer South Korea China South Korea China
Representative guarantee 1 year 2 years 1 year 2 years
Price RUB 176,000 RUB 149,000 RUB 171,900 RUB 134,000